wild rose rising sister cirle

come blossom

Wild Rose Rising is a women's circle hosted in our studio by Jacqueline Morton of Kingfield. She is a certified women's transformational facilitator, trauma informed 200HRYTT, initiated Priestess of The Rose lineage, and integrative health practitioner specializing in herbalism having hosted this circle for over 2.5 years now. With a warm and welcoming presence, she creates a sacred supportive space for women to reconnect with their feminine essence and explore the transformative power of authenticity. She focuses on women 'coming home to themselves', self-love, and ritual. Jacqueline weaves ceremony, movement, and meaningful connection in a light-hearted way to guide women on a journey of empowerment and embodiment.

Next womens circle is a drop-in circle, meaning anyone can come- it is open to the public (women/womb bearers 18+) on March 27th at 5pm. Heart exchange of $33 per person.

What to expect:

-2 Hour Circle consisting of:

-Guided meditation

-Intro to a theme/topic

-Soul inquiry journal prompts

-Intimate group shares

-Ceremony & ritual to embody the theme

-Fun movement

-LOTS of laughs, cries, sisterhood & feelings of belonging

What to bring:

-Sitting cushion if you have one

-Journal & Pen


-An open heart and smile

-Bonus points for bringing a friend!

There are new people every single time, so don't be shy- just arrive. You will be welcomed with open arms as if you were here all along.

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